
Friday, June 29, 2012

I want some Crocs!

We all remember Crocs from a few years ago. They were pretty popular and I will admit that I had a pair. I had a pair in the color cotton candy. They were the kind of shoes that were so ugly they were cute!

I can't believe I ever found them cute! It's crazy how fast fashion changes!

I will also admit that I still do wear them... when I'm helping my dad cut the grass... haha (shhhh don't tell anyone!).

So, I was looking online a few weeks ago and saw really cute jelly flats! I looked a little closer and saw they were made by Crocs! Apparently, Crocs are now making different styles of shoes (meaning their shoes are cute & comfortable!). I just discovered them and really want a pair!

**ALSO, I just made a new twitter! So, please follow me! I promise to follow back! @looneybutt

Here are a few pictures of their shoes:

Quote of the Day! (6/29/12)

Hope everyone's having a great day! Love ya guys!

I also added a second picture... for some laughs... :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Quote of the Day! (6/27/12)

Love this quote! I love quotes that really hit home and this one did!

I also included a second picture... a little humor for the day! :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Deep Conditioner REVIEW!

BEFORE I used this product:

I have heard so many great things about this product lately! I have been going through a really dry stage with my hair. It's very frizzy and broken at the ends. I got the Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Conditioner at Target for around $2-3. I'm SUPER excited to try it out!

AFTER I used this product:

Pretty dang good! I'm not amazed, but it's much better than some other conditioners I've used. The ends of my hair are no longer frizzy! YES! Smells pretty good, too! I here by recommend this product ladies and gents!


Monday, June 11, 2012


I found this quote today and it really hit home. I love when I find quotes that do that! :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012


So, I love quotes. They can totally change my mood! So, I'm gonna start posting a quote everyday! Why not? Haha, hope your having a great day!


I love having a tan, which isn't very uncommon. For a lot of people, a tan can make them feel more confident. It's a really funny thing if you really think about it. How can just a little tint to a person's skin make them feel better about their appearance?

The best way to get a good looking tan is to soak up the sun, but we all know that's not very healthy. Studies show that it's okay to be in the sun 15-20 minutes a day without sunscreen. For some people, that's the perfect amount of time to get a healthy tan. But, for most people it takes longer for them to develop a tan. So depressing, right? And, that ladies and gents is why self-tanner exists!

High-end self-tanners can be pretty expensive. I find that the drugstore ones are just as good. You do have to be careful when choosing the right one, though. The best thing to do is to look up reviews of the tanner before buying it.

Sprays can be pretty hard to work with. I find that self-tanner lotions work best. It's a good idea to get a self-tanner with bronzer in it to see where you are putting the lotion (this prevents yucky streaking).

Below I have pictures of some of my favorite self-tanners. They can all be found at Target, except for the last one, which is from Bath & Body Works. They are all instant self-tanners (they will develop in 2-4 hours). I don't have the patience for gradual self-tanners. When I wanna tan, I want it right away!

Hope this helped! :)